Reef nutrition

Couple of night shots from SF...

Hey Phong what's up? Can you come and taste some of my saltwater and tell me the salinity so I can calibrate my refractometer :) JK That pano that Ian had printed came out excellent.. I'm having some halfsize ones printed at costco. I'll let you know how they come out.. Probably not as nice as the whcc one but for 1/10 the price we'll see how it looks for half size...
Sorry Cerissa not to leave you out of the conversation but the Picture Phong is talking about is this one..
This size does not do it justice.. The original is just too massive to try and look at on a computer screen :)
hahaha ;D ..

I'm still trying to figure out where to hang the picture. As soon as I find a place I will print one out for sure. Let us know how the Costco's one come out. Half size is much easier to find a spot. :D