Over the past two weeks I did a few days of lights out on each of 3 tanks, followed by increasing photoperiod slowly. Massive disappearance of all types of junk on rocks, and corals/nems looking great.
I think I have a ton of built up detritus and possibly not enough flow in any of the tanks. Normally when I do water changes I lightly storm the tank and blow stuff off rocks but for a long time I have been concentrating on siphoning out cyano. Last week I lightly blew sandbed and blasted behind my big tank's rockwork with circ pump and couldn't believe how bad it was - could not see into tank. Fortunately, I saw no negative effects and tons of the junk was captured in multiple filter socks. Today the few corals in there looked great. Thinking about the recommendation to reduce sand depth.
Tomorrow I will do a big tank water change which will also raise my alk, which I started dosing last week. I think I had better get some algae pickers in there because there is a tiny bit of GHA that urchins are not getting, and also change out my fuge light. I had been using a pink grow light with good fuge reviews on Amazon that has not been effective in mine.
I feel really lucky. I thought I was going to have to tear down the big tank and clownfish tank, it was so bad. Need to keep on top of it and make some changes going forward - stay tuned for flow thread coming soon.
Thanks for all the suggestions!