Cali Kid Corals

Danhsj’s RSR250 tank

I think the point is have a solid plan well in advance. Many people say, “I’ll figure it out when it’s time”, but this often doesn’t work. They grow attached to the fish, can’t find a solid home for it, and then ask the lfs to take a Xl fish and find out they don’t want it. Not many stores want to house and feed an xl fish (cost and space) and also it takes longer to sell them. Not many hobbyist are looking to buy xl fish so it can take the store a long time. That isn’t what the store wants. Trust me.
I see people putting fish that will outgrow the tank in a year or two tops WAY too often, and it’s always the same, “I’ll just upgrade or trade or sell it”, but this often doesn’t pan out. Seen it too many times.
I think the point is have a solid plan well in advance. Many people say, “I’ll figure it out when it’s time”, but this often doesn’t work. They grow attached to the fish, can’t find a solid home for it, and then ask the lfs to take a Xl fish and find out they don’t want it. Not many stores want to house and feed an xl fish (cost and space) and also it takes longer to sell them. Not many hobbyist are looking to buy xl fish so it can take the store a long time. That isn’t what the store wants. Trust me.
I see people putting fish that will outgrow the tank in a year or two tops WAY too often, and it’s always the same, “I’ll just upgrade or trade or sell it”, but this often doesn’t pan out. Seen it too many times.
Having worked in a LFS, I can confirm.

If your plan is to take it back to the store, that isn't a plan.

I ended up with a large sailfin, naso tang and sohal tang in my last tank for free because a guy nearby simply couldn't find a fish store that would take them or anyone who wanted to buy them.

They all live in the display tank @ Kessil now.
Those are 3 fish that I love seeing in the wild, because they get so big! I would love to keep one but would feel bad in anything less than a 280
Yup. I had a 3 foot cube and 9 tangs. It was the perfect example of what not to do. I wouldn't have taken them if it wasn't a tank shutdown. I had plans to upgrade a 300DD but that turned out to be a dream.

The fish were fat and happy while I had them. Had to build a 20g remote refugium under my frag tank to help with nutrient export lol


I think I’m cooking my lps and mushrooms… but they seem happy so not changing lol
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