High Tide Aquatics

dbtc bali tri color

Just treat the tank, it's safe and easy, dips really don't do to much for RBs since they have barbed apendages that dig into the flesh of the Acros making them very difficult to dislodge even when they are stunned.
tuberider said:
Just treat the tank, it's safe and easy, dips really don't do to much for RBs since they have barbed apendages that dig into the flesh of the Acros making them very difficult to dislodge even when they are stunned.

Whats a good treatment for redbugs thats safe for the tank? (Just for future reference)

Probably some different treatments out there but to my knowledge they all involve interceptor that you get from your vet.
I'm going to post my questions about redbugs in the coral forum so this thread isn't derailed from it's original purpose. I'll treat and see how the bali responds and then consider how it does before returning back to DBTC.
I treated for red bugs with the big "I" around 6 months ago and from the looks of it, they're gone! Maybe an expert can find them but to my eyes I don't see them anymore. The good news is the frag has really picked up it's growth rate and color- now the color isn't only on the tips, but goes down the body. I need to wipe out birdsnest and green palys but before I attack the rock to do so I cut off 2 branches tonight to make 2 DBTC frags. If you want one, reference original rules and pick a # between 1-10. Pickup to be at the frag swap in August. Screebo- you asked for one before and one of the frags is yours if you still want it and you have space for it.

This one is a beauty. Lucky #7 please.

Edited--- 140G w/80G sump. System has been running for over 5 years. 2X400W MH.
Additional details about my system: 4X24 Actinics, 2 Tunze 6100's, ATI BM200, 1/3 hp chiller, PM Kalk reactor, BRS GFO reactor, Apex Controller, 2 Drew's Doser Pumps
This one sparks my interest. I think I need it.
Not completely sure about swap participation right now. Will definitely be in your neck of the woods between now and then working on a little "project".

Will be at the swap AND in the valley just down the road Tuesday/Wednesday. I'll PM you when I figure that out here shortly.