
DBTC beginners- Hawaiian Strombus snails

jeepboy_90 said:

Will you be at BAYMAC? If so I would like to pick-up then.

Yes, I'll be at BAYMAC. Probably midday. I'll be helping at the booth, so you can see me there, or if I go wandering, I'll let the others know they are there for you. :)


I'd be happy to save some for you. Just let me know when you'll be at a BAR event, and I can give them to you then, or send with someone. :) (I'll also let you know if I happen to be in your neck of the woods)
Lyn said:
bluetang_2000 said:
I would still be interested in receiving some snails from you. Thanks

Great! Could you pick them up at one of the meetings, either BOD in May or General in June?

I have not heard back from you. Will you be at either the June mtg. or BAYMAC?

Cookiejar, will you be at June mtg. or BAYMAC too?
Rich is one of the guest speakers at the event...maybe he could bring them back for Jim?
I have a bunch in my nano but they are still small. If you don't mind babies I'll make sure to make two packs of 5. See you both at the swap

best garvin
hi roberto, i asked around for you but couldn't find you. the swap got busy with the raffle and a bit of clean up...then it was time to leave. maybe i can meet up with you next time.
Yeah... It was very fast paced stuff and lots happening at the same time.
I was kinda lost a bit....
Anyway, I hope to meet ya in the next meeting maybe?