High Tide Aquatics

DBTC - Blue Ochtodes

yep...waiting on the sump top arrive, I own the tank already, but they will display it for a while. Its kinda of big, but we will see. I am trying to race Art with his new setup. It will probably be my clam and frag display tank.
Ok just PMed everyone about pickup/delivery. The pieces will be small because I dont have much to begin with, but a small piece is all you should need. I grew mine out of a speck. Be wary that tangs may eat this. I dont know for certain since im fishless.

2nd gen goto
Delivered to Arnold and Eric. All you guys need to do is superglue it o a rock. They should start growing and making 2nd gens available soon.
Its up high near my Vortec, so the Tangs can't get to it. I just put a rock on top of it for now. its a deep purple color in my tank, I also put some in my little 10 gallon tank too, just to see if it does ok there as well. So far the only things that seem to touch it is my hermit crabs.

The new tank is up at the store with fresh water. I need to level it.
With higher light, it seems to go bluer. Too high, it will go whiteish. Nutrients also play a role as well. When I got my first clump, I couldnt grow it. It faded, got transparent and died. My tank was new and too clean. I couldnt even grow chaeto at this time. I had a spec of this that was caught in a tooth of my overflow since then. That spec grew into what I have now. Currently mine is on the bottom of my tank. 28" deep, 250w helios 20k bulbs.

My hermits climb on it, but i never see them eat it.
It's a deep purple/red in my sump. Might take a sprig of it and shove it under higher lighting to if it goes blue like Daniel's.
Oh I just realised that the piece I gave Arnold was from a piece growing in a shaded area, so thats probably why its darker. Brighter light will make it go bluer.
Well its up high and off to the side of the tank now. The crabs looks they they just climbed on it, like you said.
OK FYI _ I think the Tangs may eat it, I didn't see them do it, but something in my tank ate a bunch of it. : (
I have been looking for this for a while. I use to prop this stuff for the LFS in SLO. Can I be on the list for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, whatever.