Our mission

DBTC: CC 21 Tails Torch

How do I make the description appear in the thread post not the notes?
Ohhh shoot ok. My first DBTC thread and I already messed up haha. It’s fine like this I guess, I just dont like how you have to “click to expand” the rules because then sometimes people don’t read stuff if it’s not in front of you
You didn’t mess anything up. It’s designed that way for some probably good reason.

I fixed it for you.

Very nice offering!
Demonstrated success to me is just that you can grow them out. I’m hoping this DBTC can spread through the club as the program is intended so basically people who can grow out torches and be able to frag them.

There’s no “line” so you can just stay in it and when I or someone else in the chain has one available to share they can reach out to you
Awesome! Thanks.
I was able to make 3 small frags. The top one is almost done splitting into 2 heads. Middle is a single. Bottom one is splitting.

Top for @Ayman
Bottom for @JVU

@RandyC do you want the middle one?

I’ll bring them to swap with me


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