

Trying to get my tanks in good shape when I can find the time. Currently have four of the BTA hosting two separate clowns and a porcelain crab. The maroon tries to hog all of them, though. They are getting large and will likely split soon. They are nice and green viewed from above (can't tell in pic) but I guess tank conditions are causing stringy tentacles instead of thick and bubble tippy. I will definitely update when I have some ready to share. I appreciate people's interest in this longtime Bay Area specimen.
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Turns out I have a 5th green BTA currently attached to the back wall of our nem tank, so easy to remove! Didn't have much time to catch up, but I can't determine the status of tanks of @Srt4eric @Beanju @Fire_Reefer (on the request list) from tank journals. Please be sure your tank is ready to house a nem if you agree to take one, including protecting it from pumps if it wanders. I do NOT need to pass the nem on urgently and have limited time to meet, but it's hard to pass up offering this guy while it is easily accessible and its foot won't be injured during removal, haha!
BTA still on tank wall, so easy to remove (aside from a grumpy old maroon clown who will head butt me with surprising force). If anyone has a tank ready for a nem, read the first post of this thread and sign up for it. Located in Pleasant Hill, near Concord/Walnut Creek. Bonus: you may feed our amazing sponge decorator crab if you can deal with the maroon whacking into you.
True! Its former mate would bite and draw blood and ram off newly mounted frags. I’m
a big fan of percula and ocellaris!
My occys are extremely cute and mostly gentle. I get headbutts but I think they're asking for food because they only do it to my fingertips where I hold food, and I got "bitten" (gently nipped) only a few times when I spent too long gluing frags or cleaning near their spot
Bumping up. Students have been taking pretty good care of this tank (mostly feeding too much) and it is overcrowded with BTA splits. If you have a stable, suitable tank and can pick up in Pleasant Hill (near Concord), we have nems on tank walls ready to be rehomed. They all have stringy tentacles now, but a former student recently took one in and its tips bubbled. Check out its cool history in Post #1 and become a part of this chain!
Bumping up. Students have been taking pretty good care of this tank (mostly feeding too much) and it is overcrowded with BTA splits. If you have a stable, suitable tank and can pick up in Pleasant Hill (near Concord), we have nems on tank walls ready to be rehomed. They all have stringy tentacles now, but a former student recently took one in and its tips bubbled. Check out its cool history in Post #1 and become a part of this chain!
Love these long lineages!