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DBTC: Orange on Green & Blue Mushroom


Supporting Member
I just added Orange on Green & Blue Mushroom to DBTC.

I'm sure there's a fancy name for this, but I just think it's a really cool looking mushroom (I believe a Ricordea). In person, under a mixed lighting, the orange is extremely fluorescent though a dark-orange color, and so is the bright fluorescent green mouth. The body is a mix of dark green and blue. It kind of hurts to give this one away, but it's not giving if it doesn't hurt a little, right?

Someone on FB Marketplace was trying to rehome some fish from a tank teardown. I offered to take them, and since he also had some softies I offered to take that as well. It turned out he had a handful of nice little mushrooms attached to some rocks. In the interests of avoiding pests I fragged all the shrooms off the rocks, dipped them, and have been acclimating them in my frag tank.

I have ~3 of these orange on green and blue mushroom frags that I've been getting to attach to rocks. Since I got them free, I'm offering them incrementally for DBTC for free too. I'll start with this one, which is about nickel size, and offer up more as they successfully attach to rocks.

My rules:
  • MUST: "Free as in Beer". Do whatever you want with them.
  • MUST: I don't have any pests, but I provide no warranties, so everything is at your own risk
  • SHOULD: Ideally post an update at some point in the future on how they're doing, so we can compare how they do in different tank conditions
  • SHOULD: Ideally post if they die, again so we can learn more
  • MAY: please do something good if you take one, whether it be donate another frag, or make a donation to alz.org, or pick up some trash
  • MAY: It'd be great if you give a frag back to the chain before you sell it. However it's yours (see rule #1), so if you can make $20 selling it, I wish you the best.

Priority to others who're DBTC'ing, but feel free to request regardless.

There are 1 frag(s) available right now.

Sorry the pic sucks, but it's too close to the glass.


I'm sure there's a fancy name for this, but I just think it's a really cool looking mushroom (I believe a Ricordea). In person, under a mixed lighting, the orange is extremely fluorescent though a dark-orange color, and so is the bright fluorescent green mouth. The body is a mix of dark green and blue. It kind of hurts to give this one away, but it's not giving if it doesn't hurt a little, right?

Someone on FB Marketplace was trying to rehome some fish from a tank teardown. I offered to take them, and since he also had some softies I offered to take that as well. It turned out he had a handful of nice little mushrooms attached to some rocks. In the interests of avoiding pests I fragged all the shrooms off the rocks, dipped them, and have been acclimating them in my frag tank.

I have ~3 of these orange on green and blue mushroom frags that I've been getting to attach to rocks. Since I got them free, I'm offering them incrementally for DBTC for free too. I'll start with this one, which is about nickel size, and offer up more as they successfully attach to rocks.

My rules:
* MUST: "Free as in Beer". Do whatever you want with them.
* MUST: I don't have any pests, but I provide no warranties, so everything is at your own risk
* SHOULD: Ideally post an update at some point in the future on how they're doing, so we can compare how they do in different tank conditions
* SHOULD: Ideally post if they die, again so we can learn more
* MAY: please do something good if you take one, whether it be donate another frag, or make a donation to alz.org, or pick up some trash
* MAY: It'd be great if you give a frag back to the chain before you sell it. However it's yours (see rule #1), so if you can make $20 selling it, I wish you the best.

Priority to others who're DBTC'ing, but feel free to request regardless.

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@yoyohead I'll have another one available soon, if not today. LMK when you want to pick up and I'll verify. Alternatively if you don't care if it's attached to a rock you can have one for sure now.