Cali Kid Corals

DBTC: Pink Zipper Zoanthids

My DBTC Rules
  1. I use "DBTC" as a backup in case my coral dies.
    1. This means you give me a frag(when extras are available) if mine dies.
    2. My goal is to have a backup, NOT to pass around free coral to everyone.
    3. When you have frags available, add them to this DBTC so we can get more people to have this coral so we can all have backups.
  2. Must have established tank.
  3. Cannot SELL this coral until you've given away 1 frag of this to someone in this DBTC .
    • This is an honor based system. I (and this club) will remember to not give you any future frags if you break this condition.
  4. Keep me updated if this thing dies or if you get rid of it.

The Coral
  • Pink Zipper Zoanthids
  • Pinkzippers.jpg
  • Old school zoa.
  • Moderate growth rate.
  • Care: Moderately easy zoa. Does well in medium light. You can try high light but watch how it responds.

If you're interested in joining this DBTC post here and I'll choose the person.

Remember a DBTC's purpose is to propagate and pass on frags....this way we can all have back ups if our frag dies.

Tip for people interested in DBTC: Only choose to be in the DBTC if you REALLY think you want to keep this coral long term.

Pick up in San Mateo or meet me in Fremont.