Cali Kid Corals

DBTC - Red Lithophyllon - "Pink Hentai" or "Ironman Litho"

Considering that when I was hunting for this coral I was told several times that it had been lost to the hobby I think this qualifies as rare. With that said I believe a couple people in the club still have it. My little frag certainly cost me a bit of cash. Fortunately for someone, it came on a frag plug, and I think frag plugs are ugly. When I pulled my frag off the plug, it left some that had encrusted down the side, about a 3/4" long strip that is 1/4" wide. It has 2 mouths and accepts food, and has fully healed from the removal of the main frag. Definitely on the small side, but considering the rarity of this piece I'd like to get it in circulation. As a side note, this was sold to me with a claim of "pink hentai" lineage, and I was told ironman litho was the same thing. This is red with green dots on each mouth at the moment.

Please note that you will be unable to remove this coral from it's frag plug without destroying it. If you are picky like me you would need to grow it out to get it on a natural substrate. Also of note, Lithophyllon may be a total misidentification of this coral but I don't have a better one to offer in it's place.

I'd like this to go to someone who has experience with LPS, a stable tank, and believes in feeding their hungry fungiids. I would also prefer that someone pick this up at my house in San Francisco, because the meeting schedule currently falls on my workweek and I can't make meetings until it flops back to my off days again. If I lose mine, please bump me to first in line for this DBTC item. If it's not a violation of the DBTC rules I will simply choose someone to give this coral to. Please post if you are interested, I will be travelling for the next week to see family out of state for the holidays, but this would be available for pickup after the 21st of December. I'm able to hold it until after the holidays also with no problems.
Firstly, I'm not even 100% sure it's a litho - that's just the closest we could come up with after several days of hunting through coral ID books. And it was pink in my tank. And most importantly, it's all tentacley!

What, reefing has to be all serious all the time? :D

It hasn't decided what color it's going to pick in my tank. It was dark red when I got it, turned brown when I took it off the frag plug, now it slowly is heading towards pink. However mine isn't all that tentacley, but the guy I got it from said he had never once fed it, and the other two similar corals I have became more tentacley in response to feeding.

Treylane, do you feed yours? I hope mine gets that puffy eventually. Oh, and no reefing doesn't have to be serious at all, I just forget to add smilies when I'm being a sarcastic smartass. You'd think I'd learn after offending more people than I thought existed but I have yet to notice. :p