Cali Kid Corals

DBTC: Rich's Beefy Blue Stag

Hey Rich, @Thales would love to get a frag of this one when you have some ready to go that would be sweet! You guys answered my question about velvet on the show, a couple months ago, lol. Thank you! Happily have fish back in that system now. Cheers!
@H2OPlayar made a journal update.


H2OPlayar said:
Happy and starting to encrust
Hey yall - I have a ton of this. I am having some family issues, so I am not going to be great at follow up and the barcode stuff, but if you want to come by and snag some let me know. I am in alameda. Or if someone wants to pick up fresh frags for everyone on the list, that would rock as well. thanks
Hey yall - I have a ton of this. I am having some family issues, so I am not going to be great at follow up and the barcode stuff, but if you want to come by and snag some let me know. I am in alameda. Or if someone wants to pick up fresh frags for everyone on the list, that would rock as well. thanks
I work in alameda and can pick up and hold/help distribute if you'd like. I'm out of town for the next week but next Monday or Tuesday I'd be glad to stop by after work.
Hey yall - I have a ton of this. I am having some family issues, so I am not going to be great at follow up and the barcode stuff, but if you want to come by and snag some let me know. I am in alameda. Or if someone wants to pick up fresh frags for everyone on the list, that would rock as well. thanks
I’m in Alameda and can swing by this week if there is a good time.