Reef nutrition

DBTC - Star Wars Monti Undata


Supporting Member
Green body, purple rim, red polyps. Tried to take some pictures of this but really couldn't capture the color...Offering is for back up purposes (at least 1st gen) since I unfortunately/fortunately plan on future tank moves and can't be 100% sure everything will make it so please be able to grow out like crazy!

Colony pics - Actual colors are sort of what's pictured here but not really...Couldn't capture it. : Piece was sold to me as a JMT lineage from some guy named Jose. No idea who that is or if it's just a random person LOL. Doesn't exactly look like 'Emma's JMT' but it's hard to tell with pictures and colors getting touched up so it'll just be a 'Plain JMT' ...



First gen: Two frags available.

Simple rules:

- Pick a number 1-22
- Must have success with montis.
- 2 Frags into chain. Please pick established tanks/DBTC Contributors.
- Kindly give me back a frag if I lose the colony.
- Pick up at Feb swap or in SF.
Jo(h)ns get first gen - 5 & 10. See you tomorrow

There will more of this to come.. My main colony has already grown back and then some I think
J&J - Did either of those frags make it for you guys?

My colony came back with a vengeance and if there's enough interest, I can make a few frags for near-future distribution.