
DBTC - Tony's blue SPS

This coral has some personal history and I feel like typing, so beware of an excessively long DBTC post!

I got this guy originally back in Feb 08. It was my first nice SPS. I "grew" it originally under power compacts, then under a sunpod and always held it's color. I say grow because all it seemed to do was puddle out.

Here is a poorly white-balanced and a bit saturated photo of it back in April 08

..and puddle was ALL it did for about a year. I knew it had potential but it wasn't sending out branches so fragging it in the normal sense wasn't going to happen. So I did the next best thing. Since this guy puddled over the entire plug and under it, I chipped away at the bottom of it and made some tiny frags (3 in total) maybe 1/2 a year ago. They didn't have the color of the main part, but they were frags :p


So, I grew out these chips and let them do their thing. Their thing, being puddling! These frags also were in no hurry what so ever to recolor.

Recently, the main "colony" has actually started to send up branches!!! Of course, it wasn't on the frag plug, but rather on the frag rack puddle...go figure :~ It is also growing into Jeremy's A. abroholsensis. Oh yeah! The new "grafted simplex :p"

Well, I need to clear out a bunch of my frags, and the 3, not yet colored up puddles on frag plugs need a home. Maybe someone else will find their secret of anti-puddling?!!!

Requirement: ...well.. THat is up to you! Pick a number or suggest a name or humor me with a youtube video or tell me about an awesome recipe or beer. It's your party :-D

Pickup at the October meeting!

Current photo. Under T5 (2x ATI blue plus, 2x UVL 75/25)

Other corals to compare color to (left to right)..ignore any misspellings :p
blue tipped insignis
This DBTC acro
Perry's aussie Blue polyp monti (in the back)
Rich's Tenuis (tips of a small frag right behind "this acro")
A. abroholsensis
A butchered green tenuis
False Aqua Delight
Ian's brown out special

oh..and the obligatory macro shot!
I would like to give this a try. #12
Here's my funny youtube video, it gets better/weirder the more you watch.
Someone had a couple Vertical Epic Ale's before posting tonight... :)

Gomergamel's Smurf tears? Don't know why I'm imagining the smurfs looking at it.

*Place holder for me telling you'll about my favorite beer*

To busy to write a beer review but... BIG BUT!!!!(giggidy)
May I bribe you? I was in Boston last weekend and picked up a bottle of Smuttynose Imperial Stout...

Think about it. :p
I swear I posted a funny video link last night! Gremlins!
This one is not funny but waaaaay cool.
Also for the heck of it I pick #99.
See you at the meeting.

Recall I won't be at the meeting. Can you give it to someone around me to hold. If Durwin is there he might work since I still need to deliver some frags to him.
This guy never made it out of my frag rack and just got stung to death by a war coral last week.
Damn! I was growing fond of it's ultra slow growth.
Mine is still a puddle. In fact it has puddled even more off the frag plug and onto my rockwork. Still no upward growth. This is what you get when you get SPS from Tony.