Cali Kid Corals

DBTC: UC Japanese Koji Wada Pink Nepthea

@Mr2KiEu gave a frag to @Krak256 2 days ago.

I have a piece of this I got from outside this chain but it grows so slow and looks "fluffy" not "polyp-y" (hopefully leather keepers know what I mean).

What's the deal? Needs more intense light?
I have a piece of this I got from outside this chain but it grows so slow and looks "fluffy" not "polyp-y" (hopefully leather keepers know what I mean).

What's the deal? Needs more intense light?
My yellow leathers and biota weeping willow grows very slow. It's not scientific but if feels like what you want to grow fast doesn't. If you think something should slown down it seems to start taking over.

There is a fine point with leathers in terms of light a flow, to much they don't expand, not enough their color suffers.

I would suggest moving them around and observation them. Takes a while for them to settle into a new spot 2-3 weeks. After that time frame note changes.
Move again note changes. Eventually you will identify their happy spot with light and flow.

Last note It's different for each different type of leather. Yellows can take sps levels of par. Neon toadstools shrink up in high light, not enough the neons don't extend polyps. My Willow one only extends polyps in very low par.
Yes I absolutely agree some leathers like more light than others. But what about koji wada?

Also I'm a little asking if you can get clues from what the coral is asking for based on how the polyp extension looks. Sometimes it looks ideal, sometimes sparse, sometimes "fluffy" or "cottony" if you know what I mean.

Sinularia/nepthea should never take over, get out that scalpel every few months :)
Also I'm a little asking if you can get clues from what the coral is asking for based on how the polyp extension looks. Sometimes it looks ideal, sometimes sparse, sometimes "fluffy" or "cottony" if you know what I mean.
Mine was the happiest in my old tank where it got medium flow and about 300 PAR. It was nice a spread out. In my current tank it getting more flow than before but tends to look tighter.
Yes I absolutely agree some leathers like more light than others. But what about koji wada?

Also I'm a little asking if you can get clues from what the coral is asking for based on how the polyp extension looks. Sometimes it looks ideal, sometimes sparse, sometimes "fluffy" or "cottony" if you know what I mean.

Sinularia/nepthea should never take over, get out that scalpel every few months :)
This might help you. I took PAR readings of my mother colony. It’s under a Radion XR30 G5 Blue. I don’t test my water in this tank so I don’t know the parameters. It’s probably very high nutrients since I haven’t changed the water in months. Color is not as pink since I run my lights on the whiter end of the spectrum. Sorry, no frags available at the moment.

This is probably the cottony PE you are talking about. The stalks with higher PAR look more cottony vs the stalks with less PAR.

Koji wada is known to be a slow grower. I got one 4 months and it’s barely grown half an inch. I got so impatient I got a colony when I saw one at Aquatic Collection.
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