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Derek's 225g - Magnifica / SPS Reef

Anyone know anything about this stringy white sponge? Growing like crazy in the sump. Good or bad?

I plan to remove some of it since it’s crowding my return pumps..

Sponge species
It’s part of your natural filtration system
if you weren’t doing it right, it wouldn‘t be there
I would make like a sponge eating organism and clear some out:
reduce the population, it will grow back
I was just kidding cuz I noticed the film of muck on the floor. Yeah I don’t clean my sump. But old school people say it’s good. Supposed to make your sps happier.
Oh haha yeah - I always just think of Rich Ross talking about how he has like 6" of mulm in the bottom of his sump and try not to worry about it. Plus every time I look with a flashlight there's so many little critters and stuff...I'd prefer to just keep all the life I can!
Oh haha yeah - I always just think of Rich Ross talking about how he has like 6" of mulm in the bottom of his sump and try not to worry about it. Plus every time I look with a flashlight there's so many little critters and stuff...I'd prefer to just keep all the life I can!
But by removing “some” you make room for more!
My clown pair are being weird in this spot below their anemone. Kinda booping it with their noses and doing little wiggles. I don’t see any eggs there yet but is this maybe some kind of spawning behavior?

It's one of those things that comes with a mature tank.

Trim it back and it will regrow. I figure regrowth is consuming more than mature tissue. I don't know if I can prove that lol
How much PAR is the clam getting?
I think around 200-250, although Tu said it was only getting 150 in his tank. So I think it should be enough?

That clam is gorgeous! I'd like to get one eventually. That zoa colony behind the Lobo is incredible btw!
Thanks! Here’s a better angle:


This is my favorite zoa colony though. Not sure what they are but there’s a few different ones that have mixed together and are really growing well:

I think around 200-250, although Tu said it was only getting 150 in his tank. So I think it should be enough?
John from Clammania says the safe zone PAR for clams are:
Derasa: 150-350
Maxima: 150-350+
Crocea: 200-400+

However, the more PAR the better as long as you acclimate them to higher PAR, you can also bleach clams. Also keep your water quality good and you won’t have to feed them. I currently have a 2” Crocea at 250 PAR and have noticed the growth.