High Tide Aquatics

diamond goby kicked out firefish

So here's an interesting position. I have 2 established firefish that were living under one of 2 rocks in my tank that provides some good cover deep in to the sand bed. They were doing fine with a pistol shrimp in the same hole as well. Things change, pistol died I'm assuming and I ended up getting a diamond goby (V. puellaris) to take care of my sand bed. Turns out he fancied the same rock as the firefish (probably because the other rock has a pair of clowns hosting on the top of it). Long story short, I think the goby actually kicked the firefish out since the last 2 nights I've found them looking pretty dejected at the edge of the tank at the sand/glass edge.

Anyone think they'll eventually become accustomed to the goby and live under the rock again or should I look in to adding more rocks that provide cover in the sand.

Sorry, to reiterate, I have plenty of rock in the tank, but only 2 that have enough surface area touching the sand to provide burrows.