got ethical husbandry?

Diamond Goby.. should I get one?

The issue of releasing something toxic is if you have a sandbed (especially a deep one) that has not been disturbed for a long time so that it has developed anoxic zones or a huge amount of decaying detritus. If you clean it frequently it isn’t a problem.

Exactly that. You probably won't get an ammonia spike as much as a phos/nitrate spike. I stir and siphon my sand bed at least once a week. If I miss a weak, I notice the water gets a lot browner when I siphon out. If I siphon every week or more, it's a lot less brown. It feels really good to get rid of all that gunk in the sandbed.

Of course, you'll probably remove some pods and good stuff too, but not enough to be harmful.
While searching about cleaning and adding sand I came across this vid posted by @jepoy . Bumping this up for a Saturday smile...
yeah mine does the same thing, every single day. except it's me vs the fish, and the territory is exactly where my chalices are :mad:
I love mine. I’ll never not have a sand sifter. I had a Bella goby I loved that, unfortunately, died.

I replaced him with a diamond goby and it’s been pretty great as well