Reef nutrition

Diver's Paradise: Felicia's Scuba-Inspired 30 Gallon

Thanks guys! I'm glad you like the pictures. I'm really happy with how they came out. Those were taken with just my little point and shoot. I'll have to remember to take more pictures using the waterproof case in the tank because those photos came out so much better. :)
Thanks! I'm not an LFS but I do happen to have a nice frag of that Bali green slimer right now if anyone is interested for $10. I can bring it to the breeder and propagation workshop. Here's a photo of the frag I have available.

I went shopping at Atlantis Aquariums and Aquatic Collections today. LOVE those two stores. I finally got some My Clementines zoas from Atlantis. I've been looking for some for several months now. I got an amazing, huge yellow acro colony from Aquatic Collections. Here it is! It looks awesome on the new rock shelf.


I switched out the dark window screen material for some clear 1/4" netting from Bulk Reef Supply in the frame I had made. The tank is getting much more light now.

A couple photos of the new Midas Blenny I picked up from Aquatic Collections after BAP.



Also, here's a video:
He's about the same as the starry blenny I used to have in terms of behavior. They spend most of the time sitting on a rock but then they'll pop up into the water column for short periods of time, looking for food and stuff. From what I've heard about them, they usually pick a favorite perch in the rock that they stick to most of the time, but they don't live down on the bottom in the sand like some of the gobies. Mine has picked the top of the rock arch in my tank as its perch so far, so its pretty high up in the tank sitting next to all my SPS corals.
Denzil, here's a photo of what the Midas Blenny does when he's not swimming.

Also, a few more photos I took tonight.

Female clown hosting the zoas and palys.


Both clowns - Johnny (black and white ocellaris - the Man in Black) and June (SA Fancy ocellaris)

Purple Firefish

Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Yeah, I have a nice big frogspawn and several huge fuzzy mushrooms that you'd think they'd pick to host. But no, the female clown hosts the zoas and the male clown hosts the big chalice next to the zoas. They're a bit weird. The female clown will actually bury herself down into the devils armor zoas so that you can't see her anymore. Oddly enough, the zoas don't get annoyed by it anymore and stay open.