
Dottyback experiences

I've always like dottybacks, like wrasses, for their relatively small size and very unique and colorful markings. I'm considering getting some for my 180 and have 2 different ideas and would like to get feedback on those that have experience/ knowledge about these approaches.
1) get 3 different dottybacks (i.e. Orchid, Splenda, Neon) and introduce them all at the same time to minimize aggression. I have sufficient rockwork for there to be different areas for each to claim, but not sure if 3 is pushing it for a 180.
2) Choose 1 species and get 2 of them, ideally finding a pair if possible because I think it's nice to see fish pair up and stay together- even if they're not breeding seeing harmony is always a nice thing in a tank.

Has anyone tried either of the above approaches or had success with multiple dottybacks? I'd be trying to go with going with ORA or other tank bred ones (if they exist) so they'd hopefully be better in a community and with the secondary bonus of supporting captive breeding. :)
I've wanted to try pairing Orchid Dottybacks (pseudochromis fridmani) but haven't done so yet. Not to be confused with the magenta dottyback (pseudo p_____). There's been success breeding them in home aquariums and ORA has them readily available :)
The problem with getting farmed fish is that: if you buy them at the same time you will be getting siblings. I have spoken with ORA in the past in an attempt to get unrelated specimens. If you do go with the farmed fishes, please make sure that you get "perfect" specimens. Check for operculum, pelvic and dorsal fin deformities.
A pair of friedmani d-backs is an awesome thing.
Good luck!
There's an ORA Orchid Dottyback in our nano that's been fantastic. Colourful, active, knows who feeds it, there's really no down side except that it hid for the first month but once it settled in its been great. I've actually thought about a small group 5 or so for the next tank (FOWLR 125gal). The colour on this one seems to be exceptional. There's the purple body but it also has a deep red/magenta belly and dorsal line. Not sure if that's the norm. It does eat RN Arctic Pods exclusively and after the talk on Sat it might be the reason for the colour.
