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Dr Tim's, Fish oil or fact?

Does anyone have any first hand experience with Dr. tim's one and only? Ive heard a lot of good and bad about it so I'm looking for more info. Thanks!
Worked as advertised for me as well.
Instant Biospira (also developed by Dr Tim as I understand it) also worked well.

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Never had experience with Dr Tims one and only, but used the bio spira 2 or 3 times now and it has for for me all the time. Both refrigerated and non refrigerated.
i used Dr. tim's as well when i started my 60 gallon. it worked as advertised but i don't have anything to compare it to.
I've used both Dr. Tim's and BioSpiria a few times setting up qt tanks. Between the two, Bio-Spiria was the only one that got close to "instant cycle". So if you are hoping to get fish in right away I would go for BioSpiria.

If you are using it on a tank for coral I recommend you wait a least a week after adding before adding coral - they seem to contain some kind of sticky gel that I presume helps the new bacteria stick to the walls/filters - and I imagine it would also sick on the coral surface and might kill it. This last part is my pure speculation - ymmv.