High Tide Aquatics

Eight 24" T5HO or one 250W MH/Lumenarc mini with two 24" actinic VHO with two 24" T5HO?

I spent quite a bit of time thinking what I should use to light my 30"x30"x18" cube, and need some experts' opinion here to help making the final decision. After debating a little between pre-made fixture and home made light box, I was inspired by Jimmy DIY light box, and decide to make my own wood hanging box since it looks better and cost less than a fixture. I mostly want to have a top down view for this tank, so the lighting box need to have enough clearance from the top. Here are the two final possible configurations I am thinking about, and need some help to make the final decision.

Configuration 1: eight 24" T5HO driven by two icecap 660 (two icecap 4 bulb retro kits). Pros: I never had much experience/fun mix matching so many color bulbs, and this will give me the chance. Also this is a relatively simple setup, meaning less patch work needed afterwards. Cons: expensive. Questions: will this be too much/too little lighting for a 70G mixed tank with good amount of SPS? Does T5 requires me to place the light box close to the top that it will block the top down view?

Configuration 2: 250w SE Radium in Lumenarc mini driven by icecap ballast at the center, two daylight T5HO next to the MH, and two super actinic VHO next to the T5HO. The T5HO and VHO will be driven by one icecap 660. Pros: I got to play with 3 kinds of lighting in one box. Taking advantage of the benifit of each lighting. I know I can raise the light box pretty high above the top to give me the top view clearance. Cons: complicated setup.

What do you guys think, especially to the two highlighted questions? Many thanks.
Plus 1 for option 2. If you have a canopy, I like option 2 because you get the best of all the lightings. I'd probably skip on the VHOs though if it was me just to simplify the setup, but those VHOs sure do make corals POP.
Thanks everyone for your advice. Option 2 it is. Now if I can finish sanding and repainting the stand, I would be able to start working on the lighting before long.