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Elos 120 (liter)

CookieJar said:
great cloeups! what's the 1st one? it's got unique color for a goni or avelopora.
You crack me up, my buddy Bill.............it's the gonipora that YOU gave me, it's just grown a LOT. Also, my guess is that the color is accurate since I'm shooting in the water and right up next to the coral. Any camera buffs wish to chime in and advance my understanding of what is occurring here?

I was more than a little surprised at the results of submerging my point and shoot regarding color and focus............better than most of my through the glass shots. Maybe I'm on to something....
John- hats off to your husbandry, corals really thrive in your tank, that's excellent goni growth. Do you add a lot of Reef Nutrition products to foster the growth?
My goni of the same type doesn't photograph quite the same- probably due to me not getting proper white balance and shooting through glass, but it still looks good to me.
CookieJar said:
John- hats off to your husbandry, corals really thrive in your tank, that's excellent goni growth. Do you add a lot of Reef Nutrition products to foster the growth?
My goni of the same type doesn't photograph quite the same- probably due to me not getting proper white balance and shooting through glass, but it still looks good to me.
We're quite a little mutual admiration society! :party:
Yes, I've been suplementing my feeding with Oysterfest and Rotifest. Funny, it just looks like I'm putting crap into the tank but I do it when the last light is ready to turn off and all the LPS is extending it's feeders. I've been feeding most of the coral that way and coming back out at midnight to hand feed Dendros and Balanophilia. I'm in trouble with my orange and my black sun coral as it's no longer extending it's polyps at anytime. When Richard gave me the black sun coral, it was extending during the day! I hand fed it for a while but stopped and now it hates me.

I must say that YOUR coral husbandry is most notible and should receive extra credit for keeping a variety of coral that range from easy to pretty difficult......I couldn't keep a goni alive until we met! You are right, somehow I've reach a balance that makes the LPS and goni thrive. All the frags you've given me (3 of them, thanks, thanks, thanks) have added 800% more heads and are completely "trippin' out". The color gets more complex and the growth rate is pretty staggering. Catch ya at the meeting! H)
Thanks for the good words. I do feel pretty good about coral survival, but the most common 'coral killer' in my tank are the sweepers. I don't know how long they will be and sometimes I just get amazed by a small coral that has sweepers of 5" that wipe out a neighbor. I imagine you deal with the same thing since you have so many that are nearby neighbors.
OK. Credit where credit is due. Mike, Coral Reefer, came by to p/u some coral that I was hoping to place in a new home. He happened to bring by a frag of an acan he had recently sawed up. Said it was a "little" unusual. Well, holy cow yeah! I've got a nice garden of different color acans but until now not a single one was blue. Thanks Mike! A very cool addition. Just be checkin' it out:
JAR said:
Nice pics!
I'm going to look in to the Panasonic DMC-TS2!

Thanks for the good words, folks.

I bought this camera to enjoy taking pictures while hanging out in rain forests and on boats. I only recently discovered it has "pretty good" macro ability and gets right up next to the coral. It was less than the cost of a cheap macro lens alone. It also takes really nice, clear and bright terrestrial pictures. I've decided to spend my DSLR allowance on r/c helicopter stuff! :cool:
Great build thread and great tank, I hope to have one just like one day. I just thought I would add my fish tattoo to the mix. Its my very own Fryeri cichlid that breeds to help support my reef tank, so I honored him with a place on my forearm.
jacuzzi said:
Great build thread and great tank, I hope to have one just like one day. I just thought I would add my fish tattoo to the mix. Its my very own Fryeri cichlid that breeds to help support my reef tank, so I honored him with a place on my forearm.

My two favorite fresh water fish are Discus and Cribenzas. My first breeding pair of fresh water fish were Crib's and I nearly panicked with I saw all the fry getting sucked into the parent's mouth. That's when I learned about "mouth brooders". Cool tat!
Nice tattoo Jacuzzi! That is a nice looking cichlid!

Discus is my favorite fish as well, as well as flower horn.


My dream is to have a reef tank, SW FO tank, FW plant tank with discus, and a FW FO tank with pair of flower horn... hope it can come true before I die.
John, I am taking photos today of all the new arranging in my tank. Thanks for keeping such great pictures up of your tank, and for the gentle nudge for others to follow. You help make this club one fun place to be.
yardartist said:
John, I am taking photos today of all the new arranging in my tank. Thanks for keeping such great pictures up of your tank, and for the gentle nudge for others to follow. You help make this club one fun place to be.
Thanks, Ricardo.
I'll look forward to seeing the pics. You too add great value to our group with a nice balance of ethics, creative ability, reef keeping skills and just plane good nature. Hat's off to YOU.
OK, gang..........I've got news to share. First the bad news........the Bangai Cardinal I purchased in hope's it would pair up with "Old Lonesome" my existing dude, didn't make it. Neither did any of the peppermint shrimp. One afternoon, shortly after buying them, I saw the fairy wrasses having a grotesque banquet on the bits and parts of them that were still left. Witnessing this kind scene is somewhat sad yet still interesting, in a sad way sort of...... :( . So...........no more match making for my "Old Lonesome" and no more peppermint shrimp in the tank.

Now the good news.........I went down to look for a skimmer at Aquatic Showroom in San Jose. I'd never visited and was duly impressed with the size of the operation. I didn't see anything in the way of hardware that I couldn't live without so I browsed the livestock. Sure and begorrah I got stuck in front of the tank with 4 Copper Band butterfly fish. Now you all know we've been talking a lot about natural methods of controlling aptasia nems. Copper Band butterflys are well know for their appetite for the oily little buggers. The big problem is that most folks are not able to keep them for very long. So.............I asked how long he'd had them and the answer was about a week. All four looked very active and confident so I sprang for one. I thought it over as I drove it home considering my recent mortality rate for introducing new livestock into the tank. You may know it's "pretty full" of fish and coral. Well the best part of my good news is that today, I noticed he had stopped being picked on by Rodney (Dangerfield), my long nosed hawk in the checkered suit.........and.........he also stopped being picked on my the purple tang. These two guy are the most aggressive fish in the tank and today, they seem to be done picking. In light of that, the bf is now cruising the front of the tank and reef and picking away at things he is finding. Here's some shots of him cruising along with some nice shots of my green spotted dragonette. Richard: The single orange acan is the one you gave me that is now sprouting new heads around the base of the single large mouth. It's gonna be a stunner! Thanks. Your blastos are all making tons of new heads too as is the goniapora that Bill gave me.

Many of you take credit for the way my tank is looking these days. Thanks to all that have shared coral with me.






Beautiful CBB! I really hope he thrives in your tank. My pep shrimp is glad I have no wrasses in the tank... sorry to hear about yours :(