Cali Kid Corals

Eric's Frag tank!!!

So its been pretty bumpy. The new 60 gallon frag tank only has one drain. Some how the return pump got bumped up to 100%. The m2 vectra pushes a bit more water than that single drain can handle. Tank overflowed a bit and salinity was dropped to 30ppt. A little less than two weeks later the sps losses started. Oh well...

That was almost a month ago. Last Wednesday the power went out for just under an hour. When I came back on my Apex was screwed up and one of my eb832s had blown. Must of lost one of my 3 heaters also because for two morning I woke up and head my inkbird beeping in my garage before leaving for work. Two nights in a row my tanks dropped below 70... 68° to be exact. My carx had also been down for four days.

Yesterday I spent hour pulling every single piece of equipment off my tank and reinstalled everything neatly. If my wires weren't such a rats nest it wouldn't of taken me 4 days to get that power bar swapped out and it would of saved me a lot of headaches.

Everything is up and running better than ever now.
I had that happen to me last year. Multiple times in a week with an oops/issue leading to finding the frag tank in the 60s. Feels very embarrassing / demoralizing / frustrating. Virtual hugs, and good on you for root cause fixing it quickly
Well after a couple of really crappy months I've decided to shut the garage system down. My garage is detached and way in my backyard. Having it fully automated and working so much I kind of ignore it for days at a time. Well if you let a small thing go unnoticed for a few days then you have a big thing. I've had a few big things happen back to back and I've lost a good chunk of my coral.

I just started a new tank journal. I'm downsizing to a 40 long and I'm bringing that back into the house. With BART tearing down my house within the next 1-5 years I really don't want a large tank that I will have to break down and move. That was my thinking with these frag tank. A lot easier to break down and move frag tanks than a fully mature display.

I'm going to move most of this equipment over to the new tank but I will be giving away and selling a lot of it.
Well after a couple of really crappy months I've decided to shut the garage system down. My garage is detached and way in my backyard. Having it fully automated and working so much I kind of ignore it for days at a time. Well if you let a small thing go unnoticed for a few days then you have a big thing. I've had a few big things happen back to back and I've lost a good chunk of my coral.

I just started a new tank journal. I'm downsizing to a 40 long and I'm bringing that back into the house. With BART tearing down my house within the next 1-5 years I really don't want a large tank that I will have to break down and move. That was my thinking with these frag tank. A lot easier to break down and move frag tanks than a fully mature display.

I'm going to move most of this equipment over to the new tank but I will be giving away and selling a lot of it.
Well after a couple of really crappy months I've decided to shut the garage system down. My garage is detached and way in my backyard. Having it fully automated and working so much I kind of ignore it for days at a time. Well if you let a small thing go unnoticed for a few days then you have a big thing. I've had a few big things happen back to back and I've lost a good chunk of my coral.

I just started a new tank journal. I'm downsizing to a 40 long and I'm bringing that back into the house. With BART tearing down my house within the next 1-5 years I really don't want a large tank that I will have to break down and move. That was my thinking with these frag tank. A lot easier to break down and move frag tanks than a fully mature display.

I'm going to move most of this equipment over to the new tank but I will be giving away and selling a lot of it.
Dang that's sad to hear. Your frag system seemed to be thriving with great coloration for a while there.
I'm glad your still reefing though.
Well after a couple of really crappy months I've decided to shut the garage system down. My garage is detached and way in my backyard. Having it fully automated and working so much I kind of ignore it for days at a time. Well if you let a small thing go unnoticed for a few days then you have a big thing. I've had a few big things happen back to back and I've lost a good chunk of my coral.

I just started a new tank journal. I'm downsizing to a 40 long and I'm bringing that back into the house. With BART tearing down my house within the next 1-5 years I really don't want a large tank that I will have to break down and move. That was my thinking with these frag tank. A lot easier to break down and move frag tanks than a fully mature display.

I'm going to move most of this equipment over to the new tank but I will be giving away and selling a lot of it.

Bummer man. Sorry to hear. Glass half full, at least you’ll be able to enjoy a tank that inside the house everyday now!
Well after a couple of really crappy months I've decided to shut the garage system down. My garage is detached and way in my backyard. Having it fully automated and working so much I kind of ignore it for days at a time. Well if you let a small thing go unnoticed for a few days then you have a big thing. I've had a few big things happen back to back and I've lost a good chunk of my coral.

I just started a new tank journal. I'm downsizing to a 40 long and I'm bringing that back into the house. With BART tearing down my house within the next 1-5 years I really don't want a large tank that I will have to break down and move. That was my thinking with these frag tank. A lot easier to break down and move frag tanks than a fully mature display.

I'm going to move most of this equipment over to the new tank but I will be giving away and selling a lot of it.
:( as others said, the pics looked great previously! If it's any consolation you gave others happiness and something to strive for when it was going strong!
OMG - look at him now (7-8 inches)
I will get his picture with white light tomorrow - so he is orange spot - not blue spot


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