
ETSS Reef Devil

I inherited a job that has one of these POS skimmers and was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to get it to skim. It initially had the stock generic pump rated for 700gph, but it seemed weak so I tried a Mag 7 and that helped a little, but the damn thing don't skim still. Do I need a 9.5? Modify it to a Beckett? Chuck a NW pump on it and cap the downdraft?

The client spent way too much money on the setup and is reluctant to keep pouring money into it, I've already done some other things to get it limping along, but it really does need better skimming.
Nope, injector into a chamber with bio balls

Jeremy only two suggestions: clean/replace bioballs and try various amounts but best option is to chuck it. I have one I tried to convert to Becket and NW and neither worked with it. My best luck was with a Mag7 but after a while it stopped working. I spoke with the NJ ETSS guys and I only walked away with try changing the bioballs.
GreshamH said:
Nope, injector into a chamber with bio balls

Jeremy only two suggestions: clean/replace bioballs and try various amounts but best option is to chuck it. I have one I tried to convert to Becket and NW and neither worked with it. My best luck was with a Mag7 but after a while it stopped working. I spoke with the NJ ETSS guys and I only walked away with try changing the bioballs.

That's kinda the response I got, perhaps it was my "why do you sell a skimmer with a pump that can't drive it" attitude, I kinda felt talked down to, it's not like I don't know how the old stuff works, it's the new stuff that gets me :D
badbread said:
I don't get it, a skimmer with bioballs? Doesn't that defeat the purpose?

They create turbulence which breaks the stream into bubbles.

Spray injection works like the spray nozzle from a hose pointed into a bucket of water.