Cali Kid Corals

Evaporative cooling!!!


How's this for evaporative cooling...

I wish more homes in the Bay Area had central air. Blew my mind when I got out here.
Depends where in the Bay Area. Almost all where I am have central air, and it gets a lot of use. In places that only need it a few times a year it’s more of a luxury item.
My house has an added "family room" with open beam ceiling added onto the kitchen.

Last year I added a MisterCool mini split 24k unit to help cool the non-insulated roof area where my tank sits.

Love the unit and its ability to cool as well as heat when needed.
Whole-house fans are pretty great too for the hotter months. It moves air from the house to the attic. You open windows on either side of the house when using.

So in the evening when the temperature outside is the same or cooler than inside and the attic is still hotter from the day, the whole-house fan actively brings in cooler air from outside, gives a slight breeze in the house, cools off the attic so it doesn’t continue to bake the house at night. Makes a dramatic difference for me, and reduces my AC use by more than half. The ones I have are quiet and energy efficient (QuietCool). If I lived someplace more temperate like the peninsula, San Jose area, SF, or Berkeley area it’s probably all I‘d need for cooling. Unfortunately I live on one of the outer rings of hell where it is 102 degrees today so I need both.
Whole-house fans are pretty great too for the hotter months. It moves air from the house to the attic. You open windows on either side of the house when using.

So in the evening when the temperature outside is the same or cooler than inside and the attic is still hotter from the day, the whole-house fan actively brings in cooler air from outside, gives a slight breeze in the house, cools off the attic so it doesn’t continue to bake the house at night. Makes a dramatic difference for me, and reduces my AC use by more than half. The ones I have are quiet and energy efficient (QuietCool). If I lived someplace more temperate like the peninsula, San Jose area, SF, or Berkeley area it’s probably all I‘d need for cooling. Unfortunately I live on one of the outer rings of hell where it is 102 degrees today so I need both.

Yeah, i concur. I have an whole house fan installed as well. Turn it on in the evening and the entire house cool down in minutes. don't get the cheapest fan for the buck. I got something like this.. Super quiet. If you install it away from main living space (like the laundry room etc) ,you can barely hear it.

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