
Event planning Thread


So I think it’s time to start have real discussions in terms of events that everyone would be intrested in.

Lets call the first step a brain storming session.

Events that we are already working on:

1.) Frag swaps:
(we will likely have 2- possibly 3 more this year)

2.) Fragging workshops:
(These typically are setup to coincide a few weeks before fragswaps)

3.) Tank Tours:
(this is a high item on my personal list to get kicked off again. A few details need to be worked out a few details first than I plan to make a thread specifically related to tank tours)

4.) Monterey bay aquarium tours:
(I don’t have any specifics at present on this. However I was information this occurs yearly)

5.).Coral farmers market table
(this occurs at each cfm normally once per season)

Event Ideas:

1.) Dbtc Swaps
2.) Holiday social white elephant swap
3.) LFS Tours
4.) Coral importer/ FarmTour
5.) Guest Speaker workshops
6.) Kessil factory tour (do it again?)
7.) Steinhart Aquarium (behind scenes?)

This list will be updated as people give suggestions.

It will not be possible to implment every suggestion. It's my hope that this will give us a solid place to start based on member intrest, what’s practical, and we have the man power (volunteers) willing to do what’s required to pull it off.

A large and immediate personal focus on my part as events/ facilities coordinator is to encourage more localized meet ups amoung club members by region.

Regional Meet Ups

North Bay, South Bay, East Bay, and San Francisco - peninsula.

To that end I would like to find a memeber or a few members in each region with a small amount of time on their hands willing to discuss possible events or smaller meet ups in their regions.

Some possibilites from the top of my head include:

1.) Lunch, dinner, pot luck
2.) Swap dbtc corals
3.) Backyard bbq
4.) Meet up at a Lfs
5.) Check out [a] members tank

This list also will be updated as ideas are presented. Please be sure to specific if your suggesting club wide or region type event idea.

*Also please reach out or respond here if your intrested in being a point person or persons for your region for local meetups in a unoffical capacity (no obligation or commitment beyond some of your time to talk through feasibility of
( various Ideas and planning of those determined plausible.)

Regional Meet Up Point people

North Bay:
South Bay:
East Bay:
San Francisco :
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We used to have monthly meetings with speakers. If we didn't have a speaker, we hosted either a regional swap (once a year) or a members only swap. We also hosted DIY workshops, fragging workshops, tank tours, LFS tours.
They don't do tours because they keep the farm location as well as the processes secret. We have asked in the past.

Fixed it for you. They don't even let anyone know where the farm is.

They aren't worried about you, its the big $$$ aquaculture companies they fear.

I can be bribed though :p I know where the bodies are buried.
Don’t know if this would resonate with many others, but as a newer member I’d be interested in a social-focused meetup to just get exposed and introduced to others in the club. That could facilitated via restaurant or public aquarium meetup.
Don’t know if this would resonate with many others, but as a newer member I’d be interested in a social-focused meetup to just get exposed and introduced to others in the club. That could facilitated via restaurant or public aquarium meetup.
Don’t know if this would resonate with many others, but as a newer member I’d be interested in a social-focused meetup to just get exposed and introduced to others in the club. That could facilitated via restaurant or public aquarium meetup.
I’m trying to get together a Monterey Bay Aquarium trip. Not behind the scenes or anything but I think a group visit and then we can get lunch would be cool to get to know people better. It’ll be a Saturday, aiming for April but I’ll post in the forums and shoot you a text when we have a date nailed down
I’m trying to get together a Monterey Bay Aquarium trip. Not behind the scenes or anything but I think a group visit and then we can get lunch would be cool to get to know people better. It’ll be a Saturday, aiming for April but I’ll post in the forums and shoot you a text when we have a date nailed down
This sounds awesome!! Though my schedule for April is brutal….Not sure I have any Saturdays available :/
This sounds awesome!! Though my schedule for April is brutal….Not sure I have any Saturdays available :/
Right now the only Saturday that might work in April is the last week, 04/26. Not sure about it yet though. It very well might be in May. There’s 5 Saturdays in May. The only one that wouldn’t work for me is the second one, May 10. Waiting on some confirmations before I post any specific details in the forum, but I’ll let you know. I’d love for you to be able to come!
Right now the only Saturday that might work in April is the last week, 04/26. Not sure about it yet though. It very well might be in May. There’s 5 Saturdays in May. The only one that wouldn’t work for me is the second one, May 10. Waiting on some confirmations before I post any specific details in the forum, but I’ll let you know. I’d love for you to be able to come!
Just a hint... Don't plan anything for the first weekend of May.