got ethical husbandry?

FAQ: How to shoot macro (All Cameras)

So question for you photo techies. If I already have a 60 mm macro and can't talk the wife into letting me get another one, is there a good way I can improve the focal length?
Yes, you can use the Tamron 1.4x teleconverter (TC) to get it to become a 84mm f/4 lens or the Nikon 1.7x TC to for it to become a 102mm f/4.8 lens. I wouldn't use any 2x TC on it since image degradation is really severe with it.

No one makes the 1.7x TC other than Nikon themselves and if you can't talk your wife into getting a new macro lens, then the 1.7x TC is probably out of the question (since it's the same price as some macro lenses out there). Take a look at the Tamron instead to get it a bit further.

Have you ever discussed with your wife the possibilities of selling the 60mm lens and put in a bit more for a 90mm or 105mm instead? You can get around $300-325 for the 60mm and then put in a bit extra for a longer focal length macro lens.