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Favorite pink corals?


Supporting Member
My kids super into pink and I was wondering what everyone’s favorite not too rare pink corals are? No Kenya trees please lol. It’s hard to tell from photos what’s pink.
Since 2005 I have not seen a coral pinker than pink boobies chalice under bluer light.
There are different variants that are not as vibrant, the original one has yellow-green eyes.

There definitely some pink gonis out there.

Flaming Lotus Goni

This one is hard to capture on my iPhone camera, definitely more pink in person.

RR Lady in Pink acro if sticks interest you.
We're the ones you gave away the ones from the workshop? I think I still have some
I think someone else brought one to frag that you got, I only had the ones off that dead skeleton that I cleared off and gave away at swaps. I'm just down to my one small frag now.