Reef nutrition

Feeding box fish

Tim Obert

Supporting Member
I have a 90 gallon FOWLR tank that has been running for about six months with a niger trigger, huma huma, blue throat trigger, pair of clowns, cleaner shrimp, porcupine puffer and a leopard wrasse. I added a black spotted box fish about a month ago and she started out great but recently has been shy around feeding time.

The fish all love frozen brine, and frozen mussels even more. Really didn’t like the formula one.

The Huma has been a bit of a punk to the other fish (not the box fish) around feeding time which I think is the main problem but they share a little cave and get along well so not sure if it’s that or that it sees me.

Anyone have suggestions or thoughts on other foods to try? Going to feed live brine and blood worms tomorrow to see if it helps.

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