Cali Kid Corals

feeling bummed killing off corals

Coral reefer said:
Well, besides what others have said about keep going and do your best, I'd add a good job for updating your dbtcs, even of they are dead. Makes me for likely to want to give you coral. Want some?

Mike, I have a specific list of SPS i'm looking for this time around and want to make sure everything is thriving before I put other members corals in. So far so good as far as growth, color can be a lot more vivd on certain coral suck as my red planet. I'm thinkin it could be too much lighting coming from the LB's and shallow tank combo or not enough nutrients in the water due to overskimming. When I get it figured out then I'd like to add more. But thank you for the genorous offer.

Kensington Reefer said:
On the bright side you get to get new stuff!
Indeed my friend! :)
scuba71 said:
Gomer said:
Things happen. We've all lost corals and some entire systems. Just let it be a learning experience and move forward :)

My learning experience is a little different. Never trust a contractor working on your house when you have a reef tank. Especially if he has no clue about the reef or how sensitive it is to dust, dirty hands that have some sort of chemicals, and the number of times you've told him not to work near the tank or even put his freaking hands in it. I wish I had a web cam.

I almost lost a lot due to Clark's Pest Control. (Not really their fault though)
I was about to do a water change when I noticed some off goo on the top and in the barrel.
Barrel is outside. I had left the lid open a bit with the pump on, and they had sprayed
for spiders/ants on that day when I was at work.
Not really sure what that heavy duty pesticide would do. Probably not good though.
LOL Mel, I've had 2-3 crashes before 1-2 on my 100 gal and 1 on my current 37 cube... last one lost 98% of all fish and coral. Sometimes makes you want to quit but there's a little bit of that want to stay for gratification that you've created a miniature ocean in your house that makes you want to stay.
I guess oyu have to chock it up to learning.

I have lost pleanty of coral but never a DBTC ;)

I have never been able to give any away, nor been able to get together to receive.. so my record is perfect !