got ethical husbandry?

finicky coral

Started to notice what looks like Cyno.

Nitrate drop to 0 (unmeasurable with Red Sea Test Kit) and Phosphates increase to 0.10 (Hanna). I bump up my feeding, and blowing off detritus on the rocks a lot more.

I change out the GFO (just 3 teaspoon GFO mix with 6 teaspoon of ROX carbon) and manually dose 0.5ppm Nitrate today.

Now i start to understand what "Chasing numbers" means.. haha
There are obviously a ton of things that could be wrong.
From the thread I would guess at:
Your phosphates are high compared with nitrates. Bad ratio.
You are not feeding properly. Need nitrates, but also real particulate food.
Poor lighting. If you have just one or two fixtures, it is easy to have excess PAR in one area, and low nearby.
I have GHA issue, maybe not yet taking over the tank, but still significant amount. My measurable nitrates are near 0, btw 0-5 ppm. I did dose NItrates a month or so back but that feed the GHA and encourage the growth even more. Stop dosing and the cuc is slowly making a dent.

Short answer is my nitrate is very low, but i suspect its due to the GHA.

My tank is pretty new as well (6 months) and from what I have seen my tank went through three stages. I first got diatoms, then GHA, then Cyano and now things seems to have settled down where I feel like am running out of algae for the Cuc to feed. Common sense tells me not to add phosphate/nitrates as they seem to feed GHA, but I read an article/or comments that mentioned that it is better to have some phosphates/nitrates as that will keep some sort of balance and reduce GHA. For now I am dosing phosphates/nitrates and against common sense, it seems to be working under my conditions which may be very different from others.