Neptune Aquatics


So I don't take over Gresham's post.....just ranting now.
Just got done w/ watching a fire crew put out a fire directly behind my house. Torched a good section of vegetation, started around 1am we're guessing. Came darn close to crossing over the fence/property line. While the fire crew was here, noticed a trash can up the way that was on fire. Saturday ~10pm a similar fire was started a few houses down behind the homes. (directly behind our homes is a greenbelt/bike path with nice vegetation growing next to it). 3-4 weeks ago a smaller fire was started right next to where Saturday's fire was. Also accompanied by a trash can on fire. I mean....WTF man. What are people up to nowadays. Thank god for my dog barking otherwise would've never known the fire was going til it was too late.
sfsuphysics said:
there's a load of difference between a pyromaniac and an arsonist

And I suspect given it's Spring Break for some, it's a kid that will be caught with a lighter. We had a ton of kids get nabbed while I was growing up.

I played with matches and burned a field down in preschool. Never did that again.