Our mission

Fish Tanks..its the must have accessory for your $10 million home.

Coral reefer said:
Jeremy is totally soulless. Don't believe him. Just out there to make a buck or three. SARCASM THICK AS MOLASSES

No need for the sarcasm disclaimer. After taking the time to talk me through the “Brooklynella Incident” when he had another engagement I’ve known Jeremy is anything but soul-less. We saved one out of three very sick clowns because of him!

Actually, I imagine it would be very hard to do maintenance for others like he does. Yes, some of the clients would catch on and start to appreciate the animals in their tanks. However, the others that just see the tank as another piece of furniture and have no care about the creatures that have been ripped from the ocean to swim for their amusement would really get to me. It’s good to know that there are people like Jeremy out there that take this seriously and care for the animals beyond just a business.

To Jeremy and all ya guys dealing with the public :beer:

Sometimes you have to get stern like the Church Lady and wag your finger, that's about it :D

Thanks for the kind words guys, I could be making A LOT more $$$ than I do, but what's the point, we're all going to die in a firey ball of destruction anyway...
tuberider said:
..., but what's the point, we're all going to die in a firey ball of destruction anyway...

That is so not how I see my demise. Having massive heart attack with a smile on my face is how I see it.
sid700 said:
tuberider said:
..., but what's the point, we're all going to die in a firey ball of destruction anyway...

That is so not how I see my demise. Having massive heart attack with a smile on my face is how I see it.

I envision a scenario where I'm screaming "I told you, but you didn't believe me!!!!" amongst complete chaos.