Cali Kid Corals

Flooring options


Supporting Member
We need to get some flooring replaced, and as these things do the project is scope creeping... The area my tank is in is now part of the potential scope.

Options being discussed: luxury vinyl, engineered wood, hardwood.

Hardwood seems cool in theory, but expensive, and given the cost of any work in this area I'm struggling to see the benefit. Even if you could refinish it, it seems like it'd be almost the same price to replace with a different material. So even ignoring affordability, I'm not really considering it.

Engineered seems to be a reasonable step from that, but what I'm reading is water susceptibility is a problem. That seems like a big no-no next to an aquarium.

The vinyl seems to look a lot better then it used to, and certainly would be the cheapest. Also seems to be the bestest for water.

Question 1: any guidance on engineered wood by an aquarium? It's a bad idea right?

Question 2: any general guidance?

Finally, this is the first floor in an old house. I have a 500L tank on it. I have a crawl space, but it has very limited access. I'm wondering if when we rip the floor out, if I should take the opportunity to get some additional floor bracing added under the tank. I'm not really planning on a bigger tank, but the ground here moves a lot, that section of the house is nearly 80yrs old, and I think it might've sagged a bit from the tank.

Question 3: anyone know if adding bracing would be simplified if done when flooring will be getting replaced?

Happy for any advice on any of this. I've never done anything like this. The project started as replacing some messed up carpet on stairs, looking to swap in wood stairs instead. So also if anyone has advice on non carpet stairs I'd love to hear that too.