Neptune Aquatics

Flow and water clarity

Live phyto can reproduce and turn your water into anything from slightly hazy/white to green. I had phytoplankton in my tank and ended up having to buy a drop-in UV sterilizer to get rid of it. At first I thought I had just slightly unclear water (it doesn’t turn your water green unless you have enough nutrients) so could not pin down what was going on. Totally stripped my tank of N&P meanwhile and caused acros to get really pale and not grow well. I’m not sure live phyto is so superior to just scraping your glass anyway.
Live phyto can reproduce and turn your water into anything from slightly hazy/white to green. I had phytoplankton in my tank and ended up having to buy a drop-in UV sterilizer to get rid of it. At first I thought I had just slightly unclear water (it doesn’t turn your water green unless you have enough nutrients) so could not pin down what was going on. Totally stripped my tank of N&P meanwhile and caused acros to get really pale and not grow well. I’m not sure live phyto is so superior to just scraping your glass anyway.
Liz just to make sure am not confusing myself, are we talking about the phytofeast (live) product?

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Based on two recent threads I have been thinking about bacteria and nutrients a lot. I have thought for a long time that what is missing from tank water is all the plankton in the water column found in the ocean. I thought we should be having water flow thru a live phyto reactor or something to keep it rich with plankton, which would provide foundation of healthy food web/nitrogen cycle. But the ocean does not have low pressure pumps that I expect would make the plankton burst and die and we have no way to deal with the plankton die off. Is this why live phyto is not a great idea?
My main DT tank glows yellow with actinics, by products of lots of prior phytoplankton dosing 2 years back.... and still present though I stopped just as far back.

On brighter side, i can keep NPS sea life easily. And no probs with mixed reef.

Part of it is I run a high nitrient system and don't use filter socks.

Down side is that it is a high nutrient system so sometimes things can swing unexpectedly.
@NanoCrazed maybe the key is you need a high nutrient system (and lots of willing filter feeders) to support live phyto. Still, not sure I want to see the phyto glowing in the water column when I’m trying to appreciate the neon glow from my corals under blue light ;)

@ofzakaria I can’t be sure where my greenwater culture came from because there wasn’t a clear correlation between adding anything resulting in green water. The only thing unique about the particular system was it didn’t have sponges like my display tank. By the time I added sponges to it, the sponges were not able to control the critical mass phyto bloom so I had to treat it with UV.
@NanoCrazed maybe the key is you need a high nutrient system (and lots of willing filter feeders) to support live phyto. Still, not sure I want to see the phyto glowing in the water column when I’m trying to appreciate the neon glow from my corals under blue light ;)

@ofzakaria I can’t be sure where my greenwater culture came from because there wasn’t a clear correlation between adding anything resulting in green water. The only thing unique about the particular system was it didn’t have sponges like my display tank. By the time I added sponges to it, the sponges were not able to control the critical mass phyto bloom so I had to treat it with UV.
But are we talking about phytofeast(live)?

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The phytoplankton in my system makes my water phosphorescent under actinic
Oh I never heared of that nither do I think I have noticed it. I dosed it just cause I thought it's more effective than the dead phytofeast, or so they claimed ha ha

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@ofzakaria -- picture says a thousand words... :) (ignore the GHA and mess... well overdue maintenance on this tank...) . check out that beautiful glow... with day lights, you don't notice it... but when you flip over to actinics there it is. the bright side, I have a tons of tisbe pods the breed in the tank continuously. Can probably support hordes of dragonets without batting an eye.

@Chromis -- you mean you don't enjoy my version of the yule log?

@ofzakaria -- picture says a thousand words... :) (ignore the GHA and mess... well overdue maintenance on this tank...) . check out that beautiful glow... with day lights, you don't notice it... but when you flip over to actinics there it is. the bright side, I have a tons of tisbe pods the breed in the tank continuously. Can probably support hordes of dragonets without batting an eye.

@Chromis -- you mean you don't enjoy my version of the yule log?

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Wow man this really is glowing. I dosed this thing for a year, never noticed the glow...

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Yeh am not using it any more. Did so for a while without issues and I do not have uv..but maybe it was not the product you are referring to

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