
Forum Contest: Semi-Rainbow Acan Grow-out Contest - WINNER

This is where we will track the contestants growths for the Semi-rainbow Acan Grow-out Contest from California Reef Co.

Contestants you must upload your pictures here!

The registration thread can be found here.


  • You must post 1 decent picture of your frag by the last day of each month (example April 30) or you will be disqualified.
    • Avoid taking pictures like this one.
    • A picture is not required for March.
  • The person with the most polyps at the end of the contest wins the prize.
  • If we end up with a tie, polyp size will determine the winner.
  • The BOD reserves the right to change these rules at any time.


WINNER (September)

Wpeterson at 10 POLYPS

Beginning (April)

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I think this will be a great learning experience. I've always been curious on what percentage of frags from the same mother colony actually survive.....
Depends on the coral and how it was fragged. Sometimes you can frag a coral perfectly without cutting fleshy tissue and the coral will still die! Some corals can be cut right down the middle of their polyp and survive.

I have a feeling these frags are going to be just fine.
Wpeterson yours is starting to gain more colors.

Cant wait to see these guys grow and color up. Give it some time.

A picture is not required for March.
You will need a picture by april 30th though.

Some of those frags don't look as expanded as they should be but that is okay. They're a little stressed from dipping and will "poof" up nicely in a couple days. I'm excited to see who wins and the resulting colors of these acans.
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Man y'all look like your frags are gonna start popping out new head any time. I got a reverse mounting ring for my 50mm so hopefully I can get a couple nice shots of mine.

Good luck

I use lens extenders on my 15-55mm stock lens for macro shots.

Swayd - It'll be fine we don't need professional pictures haha. Just a picture showing your frag and how many polyps/heads.:cool:
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Don't know about everyone else but my frags color is losing the orangish yellow center and is becoming solid red!

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