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Fragging an Elegance coral

I was sent a large Elegance coral by accident from an online coral store (you can see a pic in my tank journal). It may overgrow my tank fairly quickly. I've read that it can be difficult to frag these corals; are there guides that people would recommend?
Never done it, but I've heard of putting a rubber band where you want to cut it. Leave it on until the coral tissue naturally recedes along that line, then use a band saw to cut.
I've seen my friend cut an elegance before. He makes sure to use a band saw, not cut too close to any of the mouths. Dremel will definitely not work. Seal off the fresh cut sides with gel glue to help prevent infection. Cut the bottom so it's flat and use putty and gel glue to stick it to a big heavy disc.
Some coral importers do a dip in Lugol's iodine Solution after cutting. I've used it on other fleshy LPS after cutting although never observed a difference either way.
I've cut it in half from bottom, and no glue or dip, just went directly back to water and both survive. low flow area during recovery