Nano sapiens
Well, after 15 great years of great nano reefing ( it's now time to 'pass it on'.
Location: Near Walnut Creek in Contra Costa Co
This is a very well cared for 12g Cadlights bowfront nano reef aquarium with a few very minor scratches that are invisible when filled with water. Over the years I've made a few modifications such as blacking out the rear chambers with acrylic (to prohibit coralline algae growth) and I made a cover across all three chambers to prevent dust as well as provide a platform for two 'Pet Bottle' ATOs.
Picture of the recently cleaned aquarium (the levelling carpet pad will not show once sand is added). I left all the equipment installed in a 'ready-to-add-water-and-run' condition:

List of items included
1. Eheim 50W heater
2. Analog thermometer
3. DIY 'Complete Spectrum' (LEDGroupBuy)
4. Hydor Flo Rotating Water Deflector (w/DIY micro-snail guard)
5. (2) quart sized 'Pet Bottle' ATOs (5-7 days, depending on the season)
6. Clear acrylic 'front lip' (helps prevent fish launching out from the front glass)
Emergency Backup Equipment:
1. Battery powered air pump
2. Eheim 50W heater
Misc Supplies:
1. Coralife Deep-Six Hydrometer
2. Small MagFloat and Tunze Nano Care Magnet
3. Extra pumps (Tunze 210 gph and original Cadlights 270 gph)
4. Extra Hydor Flo Rotating Water Deflector
5. Various unexpired test kits (Mag, pH, Alk, Cal, but no NO3 or PO4 kits)
6. Gravel vac w/control valve and turkey baster
7. Small rocks and ceramic plugs for frags
8. LED related (extra chips, wire, contact paste)
9. Yellow filter (for taking photos under blue lighting)
10. RedSea 'Blue Bucket' (3/4 full)
11. Seachem Reef Builder (Alk), Seachem Reef Complete (Cal) and Kent Iodine
12. Full 1/4" mesh top cover
PM me if you are interested.
Location: Near Walnut Creek in Contra Costa Co
This is a very well cared for 12g Cadlights bowfront nano reef aquarium with a few very minor scratches that are invisible when filled with water. Over the years I've made a few modifications such as blacking out the rear chambers with acrylic (to prohibit coralline algae growth) and I made a cover across all three chambers to prevent dust as well as provide a platform for two 'Pet Bottle' ATOs.
Picture of the recently cleaned aquarium (the levelling carpet pad will not show once sand is added). I left all the equipment installed in a 'ready-to-add-water-and-run' condition:
List of items included
1. Eheim 50W heater
2. Analog thermometer
3. DIY 'Complete Spectrum' (LEDGroupBuy)
4. Hydor Flo Rotating Water Deflector (w/DIY micro-snail guard)
5. (2) quart sized 'Pet Bottle' ATOs (5-7 days, depending on the season)
6. Clear acrylic 'front lip' (helps prevent fish launching out from the front glass)
Emergency Backup Equipment:
1. Battery powered air pump
2. Eheim 50W heater
Misc Supplies:
1. Coralife Deep-Six Hydrometer
2. Small MagFloat and Tunze Nano Care Magnet
3. Extra pumps (Tunze 210 gph and original Cadlights 270 gph)
4. Extra Hydor Flo Rotating Water Deflector
5. Various unexpired test kits (Mag, pH, Alk, Cal, but no NO3 or PO4 kits)
6. Gravel vac w/control valve and turkey baster
7. Small rocks and ceramic plugs for frags
8. LED related (extra chips, wire, contact paste)
9. Yellow filter (for taking photos under blue lighting)
10. RedSea 'Blue Bucket' (3/4 full)
11. Seachem Reef Builder (Alk), Seachem Reef Complete (Cal) and Kent Iodine
12. Full 1/4" mesh top cover
PM me if you are interested.