Cali Kid Corals

Free candy cane colony


Supporting Member
Pickup CFM Saturday at Bar Booth.

Hi, could you tell me about the event to get the frags? Thank you
This is an incredibly generous club with many supporting members often offering frags or equipment to other supporting members. In addition, we run a number of events every year where the club and members provide frags, etc. Part of this is out of sheer generosity, but part of it is also because CAR's mission statement (that we all try to go by) is all about ethical animal husbandry, education, and sustainability. However, first and foremost, we are about providing support and knowledge for our members and you will find that members are generous with time and corals to other members who are here to learn and to help grow the hobby and the club.

Become a supporting member, spend some time here interacting on the boards, and enjoy some of our events. There will b opportunities for frags, but that's not the reason we're here.