
Free Corals today :)...know it is last minute... I need to do some trimming...

Scott Sweet

Supporting Member
I have some birds nest, red montipora, stylos and couple of acros that need trimming. Acros are $20. Drop me a line if you want to come to Campbell today..Sunday 2/5. 818-448-3366.

Quick snapshot of the corals...


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Sorry - in that screenshot the far left that resembles birdsnest but I wonder if it's a leather, and front right that looks like furry feet on long stems
That is a birdsnest...and what I am giving away for free... :). Got lots of it... The one off to the right is a pocillipora...and have lot of it to give away too.. :).
Thanks - I haven't seen either that looked quite like yours. Wish I were closer and didn't have a crazy week ahead. You have raised a tank of beauties!
Thanks - I haven't seen either that looked quite like yours. Wish I were closer and didn't have a crazy week ahead. You have raised a tank of beauties!
Remember helping me make all those labels from the last swap......they were his corals :)