High Tide Aquatics

FREE Dragon's Breath Macroalgae

Hi all,

I bought some Dragon's Breath macroalgae because it is absolutely gorgeous. BUT it's getting outcompeted by my Chaeto. So I'm offering it for free to Supporting Members to try to revive it. Pickup in Hayward

(If you have extra softy corals to offer, I would greatly appreciate it)
You can grow it in your DT without having your chaetos chocking then, I had it in my frag tank and it got out of control and I tossed it into sump and let it die.

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You can grow it in your DT without having your chaetos chocking then, I had it in my frag tank and it got out of control and I tossed it into sump and let it die.

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lol! you killed it on purpose? did you know people are willing to pay 25 dollars for a small pinch of it?
I just realized why my red algae died...I just saw a video from Julian Sprung that said the red algaes need iodide and bromide supplementation in order for them to thrive!