Neptune Aquatics

Free Frags for pickup at CFM

We are very new with our tank (only had it a few months and just getting started), but I would love a little piece of the Chalice if you still have one available. I (tall guy) will be there with the reef-tanks owner (11 year old boy) around lunchtime!
Here's what I've got for everyone:

Cali Tort - @Reefer Madness (you could prob share a chunk of this with @newfly, it's a nice big frag )
HW, MS, prime flakes - @Turkeysammich
57w UV - @Kensington Reefer
FF Digi - @Apon
FF Digi - @Ayman via @Darkxerox
Hollywood Stunner - @timmeh

Monti Hirsuta (this is an awesome, fast growing easy SPS with sweet growth pattern and it's a nice big frag. someone should take this!)
Green Goblin Anacropora
One more chunk of FF Digi I just found, little smaller
Also a tiny frag of Manila Spy I just broke off accidentally
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To those that receive these...
Here's what I've got for everyone:

Cali Tort - @Reefer Madness (you could prob share a chunk of this with @newfly, it's a nice big frag )
Homewrecker, prime flakes - @Turkeysammich
57w UV - @Kensington Reefer
FF Digi - @Apon
FF Digi - @Ayman via @Darkxerox
Hollywood Stunner - @timmeh

Monti Hirsuta (this is an awesome, fast growing easy SPS with sweet growth pattern and it's a nice big frag. someone should take this!)
Green Goblin Anacropora
thank you in advance
We are very new with our tank (only had it a few months and just getting started), but I would love a little piece of the Chalice if you still have one available. I (tall guy) will be there with the reef-tanks owner (11 year old boy) around lunchtime!
You'll have to find me, I will be at the BAR desk 1-2pm. You should take the monti hirsuta too!