Reef nutrition

Free icecap ballast


Supporting Member
Hi everyone ! I'm new to the club, and returning to the hobby after a long hiatus. I 10yrs+ ago had a 100g long, and now have a reefer 170 I bought from @Eugene. Hopefully I'll do an intro and tank post soon.

It just so happens after multiple moves I've carried along an icecap T5 ballast. I've put it on FB marketplace, but also wanted to offer it to anyone here who is interested. Caveat that I haven't tested or used it in forever, but it's free to anyone here. If you wanted to toss in a little hardy frag or something that'd be cool, but absolutely not required.

If there's a different forum or DBTC mechanism I should somehow be using for this, feel free to direct me to it.

Edit: if an admin can move this to the PIF group that'd be great. I don't seem to have access to do so.
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