Five to six inch Miyagi Tort colony free to a member that has a successful SPS tank. It's a beautiful colony -- except it's browned out for now. When I removed a bunch of colonies from my frag tank to move to the SPS DT my alk spiked and caused this and a few other corals to brown out. I've always found that Miyagi Tort will brown if I look at it cross-eyed, but colors back up in two months or so. I'm including a pic for size reference only. Color = brown although I have noticed the interior greening back up slightly.
Pick-up in Walnut Creek or I can bring to the event on Saturday. Myigi Tort colonies can get pretty expensive so to make this fair it's available to any member with a successful mixed or SPS tank. We'll do it with a random "draw". If you want it post a tank picture and then a number - any rational between 1 and 100 out to one decimal place (ie 54.3.) I'll run a random generator Friday night and whomever is closest gets it.
Pick-up in Walnut Creek or I can bring to the event on Saturday. Myigi Tort colonies can get pretty expensive so to make this fair it's available to any member with a successful mixed or SPS tank. We'll do it with a random "draw". If you want it post a tank picture and then a number - any rational between 1 and 100 out to one decimal place (ie 54.3.) I'll run a random generator Friday night and whomever is closest gets it.