Reef nutrition

Free Mohawk Zoa, Rasta Zoa, and Palau Nephthea for Supporting Members


Supporting Member
I have some frags to hand out to supporting members. For non-supporting members, price is $30 for as many frags as you want (Please follow directions to pay here).

I have two Palau Nephthea frags (one 2.5" & one 3.5"). Mother colony is originally from @Yippee.


I have a Rasta Zoa frag from @Yippee as well.


If you missed the Mohawk Zoa grow out contest, but still want some Mohawks, I have two frags. These originally came from @Calde0920.


These things grow like weeds. Didn't really see a need because of that, but if everyone that is getting a frag doesn't mind DBTC, I can set it up.
It's always up to the person giving things away as to how to do it. These are more common corals, but obviously people want them. Hopefully they will grow them and and pass them on anyways. Was just curious. A lot of the old chains didn't carry over to our current forum software with the tracking complete. Seems good to get them all restarted again to me.