Reef nutrition

Free RSR 250 tank, Oceanic Tech 70g, 4' MH fixture with ballast


Frag Swap Coordinator
So my wife and I are going to be moving soon, and we're trying to make room in/clear out the storage unit. Located in San Jose:

1. RSR250 tank: one minor scratch on the top of the front panel, but will need to be resealed (front bottom seam is still watertight, but is very obviously delaminating). Includes stand and plumbing but no sump.

2. Oceanic Tech 70g: has starphire glass, needs to be cleaned. No stand.

3. 4' MH fixture with ballast: self-explanatory. Believe it's a 150w, will have to check (it's the one that I originally had set up over the frag tank).

All free; happy to help you load it up and take it, since these are gonna end up being disposed of if I can't find a home for them.
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