No problem, Will! You've been very good to me and I'm so happy to know you, so I jumped at the opportunity show you my appreciation!Thanks for the Mohawks. I hadn't seem them live before. They look great.
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Oh, and you are the FIRST recipient to say Thanks! on this thread so I REALLY appreciate that! You're the best, buddy!Thanks for the Mohawks. I hadn't seem them live before. They look great.
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You're most welcome! A real pleasure to meet you and also, thank you for bringing a gift as well! Coincidently it was my wife's and I's 7 year wedding anniversary so you may very well have saved my marriage! Ha! Thanks again!Wanted to say thanks to Death By Snu Snu for the generous donation of 2 polyps of Mohawk Zoas, a frag of Red Monti Cap, a frag of Green Pocillopora, some tips of Ponape Birdsnest, and the chaeto. I also enjoyed meeting him for the first time and chatting about his tank can inhabitants.
This club is awesome! Thanks to everyone for all the help and corals! Now my stuff needs to grow so I can start giving back.