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I will be home after 4 this Sat. 17th and most of Sat. 25th? I dont know that a small frag of monti is worth taking a road trip for.
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I will be home after 4 this Sat. 17th and most of Sat. 25th? I dont know that a small frag of monti is worth taking a road trip for.

I think Sat after 4 should work. My wife’s been asking me to pick up some stuff from ikea anyhow, this gives me a good reason to finally get off my butt and drive to Palo Alto. Thanks, Mark!

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@jepoy has claimed an Idaho Grape Monti frag - picking up Sat. after 4
@Bruce Spiegelman has claimed an Idaho Grape Monti and the lg. Hollywood Stunner - awaiting pick up
@Fish Boss - I can give Bruce an Idaho Grape frag and a Hollywood Stunner for you if you like?
Still up for grabs:
1- Hollywood Stunner
1 - small Pocillopora frag
3 - small digitatas that just dont want to do well in my tank
1- small rock with approx. 20 wild green zoas - @ashburn2k will get first dibs on these