Another thing you can do is fill it with aquatic plants or terrestrial plants like Pothos that can help suck up the extra nutrients and outcompete it
You can run it 24/7 and it'll go away if you can't move the tank out of the sunlight.
The willow branch wasn't purchased online. It was from a buddy who had a willow tree grow in his backyard (lakefront property). You can find willows around the lakes around the area as well. You just need a small branch from one.
nothing kills anubias....
I'll go get a branch today, and UV sterilizer will be installed tomorrow inline with my canister filter. Updates soon!
Thanks everyone. This is better than any freshwater forum out there probably...
me and Eric and Boun and Ian came from SFBAAPS so yeaBRING ON THE WILLOWS!
I'll go get a branch today, and UV sterilizer will be installed tomorrow inline with my canister filter. Updates soon!
Thanks everyone. This is better than any freshwater forum out there probably...
Since you don't have sand don't wash your bio-filter media... put more rings/bio media. For a quick Fix you can attach external canister with micron media filter - it will clean it in hour but you still need bio filter
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The ZooMed is very small to be effective as bio-filter but since you have only one betta might be enough. You can also add AlgeaFix to fight green algae - together with UV and effective filtering it should help.Hey Eugene,
What do you mean wash bio-filter media? I just rinse it off in newly changed out water from the tank. Sometimes in RO/Di water.
I do have a canister filter, with a sponge, activated carbon, and bio rings.
With that much sunlight and an unestablished bacteria colony, you're gonna deal with that for awhile. You can scrub that water to crystal clear perfection using a diatom filter, but it'll return. My 90G was like that and I changed 50% of the water daily and scrubbed it with a diatom filter every couple of days; didn't help. What you're seeing is probably not from the effect of the UV filter, but probably due to the weather with us getting less light in the last couple of days with the storm front moving through.
Wait it out and let the filter mature and it should go away.